All applicable PRS products are covered under warranty exclusively by The STRATosphere. Since its debut in 1956, the Fender Duo Sonic has found its way into the hands of genre-defining artists. Paul Reed Smith®, PRS®, Custom 24®, Custom 22®, McCarty®, Special Semi-Hollow®, Hollow Body®, Studio®, Modern Eagle V®, 509®, Paul’s Guitar®, DGT®, Mark Tremonti Signature®, Santana Retro®, CE-24®, Silver Sky®, Fiore®, S2®, SE®, S2 Standard®, SE Standard®, Mira®, Starla®, Vela®, Mark Holcomb Signature®, Zach Myers Signature® and the distinctive headstock, body design, hardware & electronics of PRS guitars are registered trademarks of Paul Reed Smith Guitars. Fender Duo Sonic Electric Guitar, Sea Foam Green. The STRATosphere is not affiliated with Paul Reed Smith Guitars, Limited Partnership. Therefore, Gibson products purchased through The STRATosphere are not covered under warranty by Gibson Brands, Inc. The STRATosphere is not an authorized dealer or reseller of Gibson products. LES PAUL®, SG®, ES®, EXPLORER®, FLYING V®, GIBSON®, the corresponding body shape designs and headstock designs are registered trademarks of Gibson Brands, Inc. The STRATosphere is in no way sponsored, endorsed, or affiliated with Gibson Brands, Inc. All applicable Fender products are covered under warranty by The STRATosphere.

Strat®, Stratocaster®, Esquire®, Telecaster®, Tele®, Jazzmaster®, Jaguar®, Mustang®, P Bass®, J Bass®, Fender® and the distinctive headstock design of Fender guitars are registered trademarks of Fender® Musical Instruments.

The STRATosphere is not affiliated with Fender Musical Instruments.